In this blog, I will also take occasional shots of mine and put a little background behind them, or critique them, or ask for opinions.
And remember to click on the picture for a link to the Flickr page from whence it came - the one you see here was most probably automatically cropped. Bleh.
I'll make a few remarks for this one:
1. I can't title the damn thing. I was going to pinch from Henri Cartier-Bresson and call it "The Decisive Moment", but I'm not even really into Cartier-Bresson, to be honest.
2. This is kind of like the work of Garry Winogrand, but too far away. And that's the way I like it.
3. I shot this on the Canon Canonet. And I am in love with that camera.
4. I actually framed something good for once, which is surprising, considering I barely composed this when I snapped it.
5. Walgreen's Studio 35 is a underrated film, and I bought eight rolls of 200 ASA today for like $10 and change. Cheap, good film.
Comments? Opinions? I always welcome and appreciate them.